What's in a Name? SHKU BUK ? BENTCH SHKUN ?

Who's your father??
Or who's daughter are you??
A common question among grownups, to us kids find out about who are you, son or daughter of, where you come from
The town or village you are from, where a surname can tell of trade, looks or behavior within the community. Common practice, loosing the original Jewish last name to survive, where they might be from, their profession, city of origin or the untimely adopted city or island, losing the original Jewish name while fleeing the Spanish or Portuguese Inquisition.
Some last names of the Jewish Libya... find yours.
In Judeo-Arabic
Dar means house and it also means the house of or the family of.
Abubi, Addadi, Arbib, Attia, Badash, Baranes, Barki, Barzilay,
Benlulu, Bia, Bondi, Bublil, Buchnic, Buchobsa, Buchris
Bucifsa, Burcia, Bushbai, Chamsi, Coen,
Cohen, Crissi, Curiel, Dabush, Dadush, Debasc, Duani,
El Malti, Fadlun, Fargion, Fellus, Forte, Gean, Genah, Gerbi, Gez, Ghziel, Giuli, Glam,
Grasiani, Guetta
Habib, Haddad, Haggiag, Hakmun, Haliffi, Hannuna, Journo, Kahlon, Labi, Leghzeil, Levi, Luzon, Mahluf, Magen, Meghnagi,
Megidesh, Messica, Mimum, Naaman, Naccash
Nehaisa, Nehasa, Nahum, Naim, Nauri, Nehaises
Pagani, Parente, Rabba, Raccah, Romani, Ruben, Saada, Saadia, Sasson, Seror, Serussi, Taieb, Tammam, Tayar, Teshuba,
Uzzan, Wamin, Zarruck, Zigdon, Zuares
If I forgot yours, please forgive me, I will gladly add on.
Se ho dimenticato il vostro cognome, perdonatemi e prego di aggiungerlo