Look Familiar

Buenos dias!
I look familiar, what do you know?
You think I am Hispanic? I thought so!
Where are you from?
You ask me
Try again, you might find
that Spanish blood
runs through my vein
four century ago!
When fleeing Castilla
La Vieja or la Nueva
for sure I don’t know
close to Madrid or Lisbon
rememeber the Inquisition?
Maria the English lady
from Gibraltar
that’s why I am here
Ask me again where am I from?
The sandy dunes of the Sahara
and the Berber in me, shows through
my skin is dark, my eyes green
its not at all what it might seem
Again you try
I might respond to you
Buon Giorno! In Italian
or better yet
Sbah L C-Her! In Arabic
Traces of what is left of my sojourn
from Tripoli were I was born
sweet memories of no return.
I keep in my
heart and share with you
This swerved infusion of old and new
my past and present
somehow in review
Proud to enunciate
to be a Sephardic Jew