Pane e salsa Bread with sauce

It is not for poor or rich

is for delicious it is
for saucy scale
of upper and lower
food was good
means really good
Taste and don’t waste
T-becha bel cammun
Selkq,, Lubia or Tmatem
winners all
As the Italian do the spaghetti
the remaining, sauce stuck to the plate
Nothing better than
A piece of bread or maybe two
To wipe
I say actually clean
The plate
Not for hunger, but mostly pleasure
To some culture a testament to the
Great meal
Some might burp and get a smile
My home and my friends
Taught us, you eat all
Because food is to thank God
your mother,, wife, grandma
If you have.
from the pot
put on your plate
what you need
and Waste not
For there is people who
might not have or have not
so Respect to others
and earth for what it give us
TBecha is a stew
SelQk spinach
Lubia Beans
Cammun Cumin
Tmatem Tomato