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Jewish Libya
Libia Ebraica
Libia Judia
ليبيا اليهود
לוב יהודית

Jewish History WORLD EVENTS Monday, December 18, 2006 ***** 70 CE 9th of AV Titus destroys and runsack the Second Temple in Jerusalem...

Ci porta e ci prende da questo mondo Nascita e morte Scorre giù dai monti E fiumi finiscono al mare IMPOSSIBILE vivere senza Acqua che...

Araqui, Bukha,
10:04 pm ARACKY some call it BUKHA The Greek call it Ouzo Turks & Rodeslees Racky Anisetta in Italian, Me, Bucka and also Aracki the...
Lipizzaner Horse
Lipizzaner Noble horse Schubert plays and Suddenly a childhood memory surfaced in my mind I was very young, but every years the circus...

What's in a Name? SHKU BUK ? BENTCH SHKUN ?
Who's your father?? Or who's daughter are you?? A common question among grownups, to us kids find out about who are you, son or daughter...

NEWWAR ASHEYA (Evening Flower)
Nature sun dial organic as if to say it’s 4:00 O’clock my petals I can open a bell light wine color pistils showing heart shaped green...

Got drunk One day sipping the OEA rich malty flavor sharing beer from papas’ icy cold glass At cafe Garibaldi I was five Once at home...

Each year the circus Came to town I loved to see the caravan Pull up at the large Empty dusty lot Usually a passage for a Goat or sheep...
Each year the circus Came to town I loved to see the caravan Pull up at the large Empty dusty lot Usually a passage for a Goat or sheep...

Look Familiar
Buenos dias! I look familiar, what do you know? You think I am Hispanic? I thought so! Where are you from? You ask me Try again, you...
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